Archives 2010

 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Weso?ych ?wi?t i Szcz??liwego Nowego Roku!

 FIGERO DA FOZ Herbu Zadora is now American Champion!!!

We are proud to inform that our wonderful boy FIGERO DA FOZ Herbu Zadora became the first in history polish bred labrador to gain the title American Champion! He achieved this by wining only specialty shows under breeder judges. Thank you HySpire Ladies for presenting Gandhi superbly and thanks to the judges for appreciating him!

Gandhi's wins in the USA:
Winners Dog, Best of Winners, at Puget Sound LRA under Jan Granneman, Janrod Labs W
inners Dog at Puget Sound LRA #2 under Barbara Nowak, Broyhill Labs
Winners Dog at Sierra Vista LRC under Chery Conway, Thornwood Labs

Ch. Figero Da Foz Herbu Zadora wins in the USA!
We are proud of our boy Gandhi, who took Winners Dog and Best Of Winners at the Puget Sound Labrador Retreiver Club Specialy Show 31-st July 2009. The judge was breed judge J. Grannemann, JanRod Kennel. Thank you Hyspire Ladies for successfuly showing Gandhi!

It is a pleasure to say that this year Herbu Zadora Kennel celebrates 20 years of it's existence. I am very pleased that for all those years my kennel has been one of the top kennels in the country.

Ch. Yunwu Shan Herbu Zadora, Ch. Figero Da Foz Herbu Zadora i Ch. Chath Chocolate Herbu Zadora

From the begining of my road as a breeder I have aimed at the highest level importing dogs from the best kennels in the world. Till today I have bred 55 labrador retriever champions with the Herbu Zadora affix.

Me and Multi.Ch. Gromyko Herbu Zadora

I am happy to say that they can be found on almost every continent. That motivates me for further hard work.

Monika Dowgiallo


Poetic Justice Herbu Zadora new Champion of Thailand!!!!!!! Congratulations to owner.

It was a great pleasure to hear about the success of young ORLOV Herbu Zadora FCI (Yadigar Yers Herbu Zadora x Loresho Jill Good Girl ) who lives in Thailand where he has started his show career successfuly.

Congratulations to his owner, well done Boonchai!


14 may 2006 - was an extraordinary day for me, I met many wonderful people due to the visit of participants of a Dogotherapy Course which was organised by the Dogotheraoic Foundation "Wlasnie Tak". The participants were taught how to test puppies in order to tell which have the best predisposition for dogotherapy. The puppies from Gujana and Logan's litter did very well :) Maybe in the future one of them will help children in need. Visit the foundation's website

Photos from the Dogotherapy Course

International Dog Show ??d? 2006 - a spectacular success of my GROMYKO Herbu Zadora FCI - CWC, CACIB, BOB, BOG III from judge H. Muller (Switzerland) President of the FCI.

Cwc, Cacib, BOB, BOG III
GROMYKO Herbu Zadora FCI