Ch. Cyraneczka Herbu Zadora

DOB 28.03.1999

Cyraneczka is one of my favourite girls. Not only because of her good looks but also because of her wonderful character. Even-tempered and exceptionaly patient when it comes to playing with my kids.... her face is always smiling and tail wagging - ready to play or go for a walk.
Cyraneczka inherited the type from her wonderful ancestors, she is a daughter of the outstanding french dog - Interchampion, Multi Champion Might Be a Show Dog of Tintagel Winds and granddaughter of the legendary english dog Inter, Multi Champion Carromer's Charlie Chalk. She is an excellent brood bitch - the only mother of a few champions and two interchampions in the country. The successes of her children and grandchildren give me great pleasure, I always wait impatiently for her next litter.

Polish Junior Champion, Polish Junior Club Winner

Hip tested with the best possible result - HD-A





Interchampion, Multichampion
Might Be a Show Dog of Tintagel Winds
Ch-Cs-IB,L, Bt-B
Carromer's Charlie Chalk
SH CH Rocheby Royal
Carromer Glamour Girl
Goodness me of Tintagel Wind Rocheby King of Tintegel
Diana of the Woods of Tintagel Winds
MÅ‚.Ch.Pl., Ch.Pl. ZWW BOB
Little Sea Fairy Rescator
Artur od Himalajskeho Cedru Ch.FR. I.B.Lux. VDHCH,DtCh
Paduch Indiana Jones
Brna Dunajski Vitez
Dona z Bohyne Lovu Ch.CR Cyril z Rizoveho Kere
Brita z Dalejskiego Haje